Viet Nam: Nock-Ten flood threat fails to recede
Source: Government of Viet NamCountry: Viet NamTropical storm Nock-Ten weakened into a tropical low pressure after pounding northern central provinces in Viet Nam on Saturday night, and authorities are...
View ArticleViet Nam: Wet weather in country for next two days
Source: Government of Viet NamCountry: Viet NamThe national weather bureau has forecast that the present low pressure zone may intensify into a tropical depression in the northern parts of the East Sea...
View ArticleViet Nam: Japan help upgrade flood-hit Mekong delta
Source: Government of Viet NamCountry: Japan, Viet NamJapan will provide Vietnam with non-refundable assistance worth 600 million JPY (7.2 million USD) to rehabilitate public infrastructure damaged by...
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